If you want to get acquainted with the breed or secure a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, you are in the right place! Our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breeding facility is here to help you make your decision and advise you if you choose a puppy from our breeding.
Winners of numerous awards at dog shows. Each dog has an excellent pedigree.
All our dogs are DNA tested for the breed's most common diseases.
All dogs are raised in a home environment from birth and have a very gentle temperament towards everyone, especially children.
This breed captivated us with its elegance and charm. That's why we established a kennel where dogs with their poise and loyal nature bring joy to their owners around the world.
King Charles Cavalier Spaniels seamlessly fit into their owners' lifestyles, spreading joy and warmth to everyone who welcomes them into their homes.
They represent the ideal companion, enriching the lives of those fortunate enough to share their company with much love, loyalty, and unwavering devotion. Meet Nala, Holly, and Caesar.